Category Archives: Gaming
The die is cast…
High in the grassy western foothills of the Cathain mountains, two elven shepherds watched the pass head below, oblivious of their wandering flocks. Row upon row of mail-clad troops and cavalry steadily poured from the mountain pass onto the widening … Continue reading
Best served cold.
While the Encounter at Afuthel had been devastating in terms of lost men, the main mission was accomplished, that of gathering intelligence of what the Ierchari were up to. As Vincent spent the night consoling himself with wine and wenches, … Continue reading
Smoke and Shadows
Prologue With only days following the massacre at Uernach, terrible news has spread throughout Valthlamar. The outer villages have grown fearful not only at the unprovoked attack from the mountains of Ierchar, but at the loss of the once great … Continue reading
The Raid of Uernach
The morning was surprisingly warm as the dwarven merchants trudged down the steep pass that wound through the mountains from Lenor to the Valthlamari border town of Uernach. Heavy mists rose and twisted in aethereal forms, beguiling the senses. Even … Continue reading
New Website for Dancers and Gamers
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Carnage a smashing success!
Carnage Con was once again a blast this year.